asus uefi bios ubuntu

I bought an Asus G75VW. It has the new UEFI BIOS instead of the old style BIOS (1980's) and has Windows 8 preinstalled. I cannot get the G75VW to install Ubuntu 12.10 in EFI ...

相關軟體 UNetbootin 下載

UNetbootin 是一套可以在製作 USB Linux 開機隨身碟的軟體。製作完成的隨身碟可以協助你進行電腦開機作業或執行系統安裝工作,是一套非常實用的 usb 開機隨身碟製作工具喔。 可以製作 USB Linux 開機隨身碟。 ...

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  • Hey everyone I have an ASUS laptop that came with windows 8 and of course UEFI(ugh) with a...
    12.04 - Ubuntu Install Issues UEFIBIOS ASUS - Ask Ubuntu ...
  • I bought an Asus G75VW. It has the new UEFI BIOS instead of the old style BIOS (1980's...
    12.10 - Installing Ubuntu on Asus G75VW (UEFI) - Ask Ubuntu ...
  • >I have wiped and reinstalled Ubuntu two or three times (for practice), each time selec...
    ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum- UEFI issues with Ubuntu on a Sa ...
  • New Windows PCs come with UEFI firmware and Secure Boot enabled. Secure Boot prevents oper...
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  • This guide shows you how to create a bootable Ubuntu USB drive which will work on UEFI bas...
    How To Create A UEFI Bootable Ubuntu USB Drive in Windows ...
  • There are links to instructions how to make an installed system (typically in a USB pendri...
    InstallationUEFI-and-BIOS - Community Help Wiki
  • I've been struggling with trying to set up three ASUS D550MA-DS01 laptops that were or...
    [ubuntu] Installing on UEFI
  • 我們最近買了兩台ASUS的筆電,兩台的Windows 8都不「需要」Secure Boot, 也不需要UEFI(即可以用BIOS ... 從UEFI(預設)轉成BIOS-enabl...
    【已解決】有一個問題想請教一下(UEFI) [論壇 - Ubuntu安裝問題] ...
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  • 只有華碩主機板在 EFI BIOS 中首創以滑鼠控制的圖形化 BIOS 介面,並提供兩種模式可供使用者選擇。它是符合 uEFI 架構的可延伸韌體介面 (Extensible Fir...
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